
ZMan Slim Swimz

Original price was: $8.00.Current price is: $6.40.

SKU: VY54235239405 Category:


2.5 Inch-

Anglers were looking for a paddle tail that had a shorter, slimmer profile, with the benefits of ElaZtech10X Tough, super-soft and flexible realistic feel and built-in buoyancy for maximum action at slow speeds and a buoyant, lifelike tail-up action when at rest on the bottom. The Slim SwimZ ticks all of these boxes and packs a lively, lifelike action in its little paddle tail; an action that has seen it punching above its weight on species that are not commonly associated with a 2.5″ soft plastic.

Both bass and bream tournament anglers have embraced this paddle tail, but it has proven effective on yellowbelly, trout, redfin, saratoga, sooties and jungle perch in the fresh, and flathead, grunter, tarpon, giant herring, tuna and other species in the salt, that often frustrate anglers with their preference for tiny baitfish. With plenty of built-in action the 2.5″ Slim SwimZ is perfect for anglers who want to give soft plastics fishing a try and a deadly addition to the experienced soft plastic fisho’s arsenal. Fish on!

3 Inch-

The ZMan 3″ Slim SwimZ is the big brother of the 2.5″ version, taking this extremely popular baitfish profile and under hooked, lively paddle tail and upsizing it for larger species, situationswhen the baitfish in the area are larger and also for when you are looking for a bream and bass upgrade lure.

It’s thin body profile makes it extremely realistic and easy for fish to eat, while it’s under hooked paddle tail brings it to life in the water, with an action that needs to be seen to be believed. An extremely versatile profile that appeals to everything from big breamto bass, yellowbelly and flathead, along with barramundi, mangrove jack, pelagic species and more.

If you could only have one paddle tail in your kit, we believe this is the one to tie on.


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