- The River2Sea Silent Whopper Plopper 110 is a 4 1/3 inch, 1 ounce model of Larry Dahlberg’s world-renowned topwater prop lure design.
- Prop tail emits sounds that vary as much as an octave in pitch as opposed to the more monotone metal tails.
- Made of super-tough plastic that flexes right back into place whether it gets chomped on or gets cast into a bridge piling.
- Pre-rigged with size2EWG 4X strongtreble hooks.
The River2Sea Silent Whopper Plopper 110 is a 4 1/3 inch, 1 ounce model of Larry Dahlberg’s world-renowned topwater prop lure design. Its tail is made of super-tough plastic that flexes right back into place whether it gets chomped on or gets cast into a bridge piling.And since they are molded from high-quality plastic, every single one comes out of the box with the perfect tail size and angle to make a sound that simply drives fish crazy.
The River2Sea Whopper Plopper110 is “roll-resistant” and works well at a variety of speeds. Soundtrials have also suggested that even at constant retrieval speeds the tail emitssounds that vary as much as an octave in pitch as opposed to the more monotone metal tails.
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