
Pakula Witchdoctor Hippy Teaser

Original price was: $181.99.Current price is: $91.00.

SKU: VY54235241181 Category:


The Pakula Witchdoctor Hippy Teaser is a revolutionary fishing tool that was created by Peter Pakula himself. Originally designed for trolling live and dead baits, this teaser has now become the go-to option for all game fishing trolling applications.

One of the standout features of the Witchdoctor Hippy Teaser is its ability to stay deep below the prop wash at all trolling speeds. This ensures that it consistently emits irresistible vibrations that attract fish. Additionally, the teaser is equipped with a unique lighting system that reflects shafts of fluorescent blue and purple light in all directions, further enhancing its appeal.

Unlike other teasers on the market, the Witchdoctor Hippy Teaser never comes to the surface, eliminating the risk of interference and tangles with trolling lines. This makes it incredibly convenient and hassle-free to use.


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