
Fox Mini Micron X Receiver Carp Fishing Bite Alarm Indicator Receiver Unit

Original price was: $68.99.Current price is: $34.50.

SKU: VYT25237791 Category:


The Fox Mini Micron X Receiver, featuring digital I-com circuitry, providing exceptional signal strength. Designed to work with the current generation 2 alarm heads, and super easy to pair. With additional features like a low battery warning and automatic colour sync to match the LEDs on your individual your alarms.

You can verify which generation alarm you have by checking for a code beneath the back plate. If you see a code Prefixed with IPX5, you have a gen 1. If you see no code at all, then you have the current gen 2 that will pair with this receiver. The gen 1 edition Mini Micron X Receiver is available separately.


Digital I-com circuitry for great receiver strength
Low battery drain with low battery warning indication
Receiver batteries are too low when the LEDs automatically begin to flash red every two seconds
Multicolour LEDs with colour sync
Easy Micron registration
Weatherproof sealed case
Cone speaker
Removable lanyard
Generation 2 compatible


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