With the resurgence of silverfish fishing on natural venues we took a fresh look at the market and decided to manufacture some groundbaits to suit this style of fishing all of which could be mixed straight from the bag or mixed with the others in the range to tailor a groundbait for a specific day on a specific venue.
So Natural Black Bream
So Natural Black Bream is a dark coloured groundbait perfect for bream, skimmers and hybrids. It can be mixed up straight from the bag for use on a feeder or balling in on the pole. It has a high feed content including breadcrumb, ground maize, molasses meal and milled tigernuts for sweetness.
It binds well so it acts as a good carrier for other baits such as sweetcorn, casters and chopped worm and is a slow acting dormant mix ensuring it stays on the bottom.
So Natural Black Lake
So Natural Black Lake is a very versatile groundbait this can be used on the pole or feeder. It is quite active especially when mixed on the dry side ensuring continuous action. Perfect for all silver fish in lakes. When freshly mixed the groundbait and its particles come out of the feeder easily creating a good bed of bait and with the inclusion of lots of hemp, coconut and coriander this is the perfect combination for roach, and skimmers on natural lakes. This black version is perfect on clearer venues, or when used to darken off a mix.
So Natural Black Roach
Sonatural Black Roach is simple to mix. Empty the bag of groundbait into a round mixing bucket, fill a 1-pint maggot tub with water, pour this onto the groundbait and mix thoroughly, then allow it to rest for 30 minutes, during this time the water will be absorbed into the groundbait. Then for best results; to remove any lumps and create an even consistency, pass the groundbait through a riddle and it is ready to use.
Alternatively, you can use a drill and whisk, this is now the preferred method of many of our consultants.
When fishing sun and wind may dry the groundbait out a little, to combat this you can cover the mixed groundbait with a damp towel or if it does dry out just add a little more water and mix again.
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