
Spotted Fin Active Gel 125ml Carp Fishing Hookbait Bait Attractant

Original price was: $8.00.Current price is: $6.40.

SKU: VYT25236070 Category:


These active gels are loaded with real ingredients. They are not just a gimmick. They leech real carp catching ingredients and attractors for over 30mins for just a small dip. You can cast your hookbait to the horizon and it will stay on and get down to depth without coming off and create a huge disc of attraction and particles rising and falling in the water column. Zig fishing will take on new meaning with the active gels but can be used on ANY hookbait to make it active. Each pot, if used correctly with a small dip, can give you over a 100 casts worth. You dont need a lot on the hookbait for the effect.

Available flavours:
Krill Antarctic krill meal, Betaines
Classic Corn Milled hemp and tiger nut extract, Betaines


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